Learn everything about SpatialGlass and what it can do!
Here we answer questions about the technology behind SpatialGlass and how it makes your iPhone screen 3D, the compatible iPhone models, which apps are available and how the apps work.

How does SpatialGlass upgrade my iPhone to be 3D?
SpatialGlass is a prismatic optical layer embedded into a screen protector that's able to steer your iPhone's subpixels in different directions, allowing each of your eyes to see a different image.

How do I install SpatialGlass?
When you order SpatialGlass, everything you need is in the box. The first step is to wipe down your screen using the included wipes to clean your screen and remove dust. Then, you can use the included plastic installation guide to ensure SpatialGlass installs on your screen successfully. Finally, you place your phone in the included calibration mirror box and run the automatic calibration in a SpatialGlass app.
At any time, if you want to recalibrate without the calibration mirror box, you can run a manual calibration in SpatialGlass apps instead.

What kind of 3D is SpatialGlass? Is it lenticular?
There are various forms of 3D in the world. SpatialGlass is known as "autostereoscopic 3D" which is a fancy term for glasses-free 3D.
The optical design in SpatialGlass that makes it 3D are prismatic optics, microscopic columns of diagonal prisms that send subpixels in various directions, which allows you to see a 3D view whether your iPhone is in portrait or landscape orientation.

What do the SpatialGlass apps do?
Apps that support the SpatialGlass SDK can display 3D images on your iPhone screen. Importantly, SpatialGlass already has multiple media player apps available that will let you view 3D photos and 3D videos on SpatialGlass out of the box. A couple of the media player apps also have a ton of sample 3D photos and 3D videos for you to view if you don't already have your own 3D library.
More apps and games are currently in development.

Can I still use my iPhone in 2D after SpatialGlass is installed?
Yes! SpatialGlass doesn't affect your iPhone's ability to play back 2D content. In 99% of cases, most people won't even notice that SpatialGlass is on your device! If you show a friend, they will be shocked and amazed that your "normal" iPhone can display 3D content!
In rare cases, mainly with very small white text on a dark background, you may notice some aliasing of the text.

Is head-tracking required? Do you track users using the camera?
No, head-tracking is totally optional and can be enabled and disabled at-will. Head-tracking uses Apple's ARKit FaceTracking API to give you a wide field of view when viewing 3D.
When you disable head-tracking, you'll still see 3D, but the 3D will "jump" between good 3D views and bad views as you move the device left and right. When head-tracking is enabled, you'll always have a good 3D view from anywhere within the front-facing camera's field of view.